Patricia Mestas
Birth and postpartum doula services in San Antonio, Texas
On this page you will find selected resources on childbirth and parenting that I recommend to my clients.
The Birth Partner , by Penny Simpkin:  A complete guide to childbirth for dads, doulas, and all other labor companions. It includes detailed information about labor and delivery, explanations of what the mother may be experiencing, as well as suggestions for support.​

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn , by Penny Simkin, April Bolding, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham, and Janet Whalley:  The complete guide. It gives a complete description of the medical options available during childbirth. I includes a chapter describing what labor may be like, as well as another on labor complications.

San Antonio Birth Doulas.  Founded in 1999 in response  to the increasing need for birth doula services among pregnant women, especially teens and low-income women of our  community.  Provides new and expecting parents with support in the areas of pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding, newborn care and bonding in an effort to prevent infant/child abuse and neglect

San Antonio Breastfeeding Coalition. Founded in 2006, a non-profit network of breasfeeding advocates dedicated to the practical, evidence-based strategies to promote, support and protect breastfeeding through education, outreach, and advocacy.

Baby Café. A place where breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women can come to learn, socialize, participate in a support group, receive free individual counseling for breastfeeding, or just speak to a health professional about infant feeding in a non-clinical café style environment.

DONA International.   An international, non-profit organization of doulas that strives to have every doula educated to provide the highest standards for birth and/or postpartum support to birthing women and their families.

Babywearing International, Inc.  A non-profit organization whose mission is to promote babywearing as a universally accepted practice, with benefits for both child and caregiver, through education and support.